                                                                                                                   CLASS 10
                                      SUB : COMPUTER
                               UNIT 2: HTML



A.   Fill in the blanks.


1.   The <font> tag is used to change font color, face and size.


2.   The default alignment of heading element is Left


3.   The tags that require a starting as well as an ending tag are called Container Tag


4.   <HR> tag is used to insert a horizontal rule in HTML tag.


5.   The tag that starts a table cell is <td>


6.   When one web page is linked to another web page, it is called hyperlink.


7.   An HTML file is saved with .html or .htm extension.


8.   An ordered list starts with the <ol> tag.


9.   In HTML<br> tag is used to start a new line.


10.   We can put a border around a table using border attribute.


11.   Text and radio are attributes of input tag.


12.   name and Value attributes of radio button


13.   Drop down Box in a form is created with <select> and <option> tags


14.  mp3,ogg, wav type audio files can be embedded in html pages


15.   To start a video automatically use the autoplay attribute of the video element.


B.   State True or False.

1HTML is case sensitive.( F )

2.      <P> tag has no closing tag. ( F )

3.      Border is an attribute of <A> tag. ( F )

4.      HREF stands for Hyper Reference. ( T )

 5.      Unordered list type creates a bulleted list.( T )

 6.      Cell padding is an attribute of <table> tag. ( T )

 7.      Cell padding attribute is used with <td> tag. ( F ).

 8.      It is not possible to create link within current document. ( F )

 9.      <body> tag appears after the head tag. ( T )

 10.  There are six levels of headings in HTML ( T )

 11.  <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit"/ > creates a reset button. ( F )

 12.  Checkbox buttons let users select one or more of a particular set of choices. ( T )

 13.  When activated, a submit button submits a form and automatically resets all controls to their initial values. ( T )

14. Drop down Box contains a list that prompts the user to select one item from the list. It is created by using <select> and <option> tags. ( T )

Give One Word:


1.      Which fag tells where a link starts? 

Ans <a>


2.   In order to add a border to a table, border attribute is used with          tag. 

Ans table


    3.  What is the correct syntax in HTML for creating a link on a web page? 

                Ans <A HREF="abc.html">

         4.To jump to a new page, we use 

        Ans <A> tag


5.   Which tag is used to bring the text to next line? 

Ans <br>


6.   Choose the correct HTML code to create an e-mail link, 

Ans <A HREF="mailto

7. Container elements in HTML require    

         Ans Starting and Ending tags

     8.   How can you make a text appear bold? 

            Ans <b> text </b>

         9.   Choose the correct HTML tag to make a text italic

        Ans <I>

 10.   Which attribute of <A> tag specifies the address of linked file? 

    Ans href

 11.   What is the correct HTML code for inserting a named anchor?

 Ans <A name="abc">


12.   Which is the correct code to merge 3 rows in a table? 

Ans .<td rowspan="3">

13.   Identify the correct code to give a border around a table.

 Ans <table border="5">

14.   The tag that is used to create hyperlinks in a web page is 

Ans <A>

15.   Identify which of the following is a tag or an attribute: 

Ans Table

16.   <TR> tag is used to create a in a table 

Ans. row

17.   Choose the correct HTML tag to make a text italic 

Ans <I>

18.   Which is the correct code to link two HTML pages? 

Ans <A href="connect.html">

19.   <A>tag is used to create a                   

Ans Link

20.   What is used to specify the space between the boundary and content in a cell? 

Ans Cellpadding

21.   What is the correct HTML for making a drop-down list?

 Ans <select>

22.   What is the correct HTML for making a text input field? 

Ans <input type="text">

23.   Which is not an attribute of the input tag 

Ans select
