what is logo language
Logo :
- The Logo language was developed in the late 1970s and early 1980s by a team led by Seymour Papert.
- Their aim was to produce a graphical programming environment which was both powerful and simple to use.
- The full form of LOGO is Logic Oriented Graphic Oriented.
Program: A program is a set of instructions or commands that help the computer to perform a specified task. The process of writing a computer program is called programming.
- Click Start button.
- Select All Programs.
- Select Microsoft Windows Logo program.
- Click Microsoft Windows Logo.
Parts of MSW Logo screen :
There are five menu in the menu bar.
- File
- Bitmap
- Set
- Zoom
- Help
File : File gives you a list of things you can do with your procedures; things like Load them into your workspace, Save them, Save As them using another name, Edit them and Erase them
Bitmap :Bitmap is a technical term for picture. This menu includes commands for working with that you design.
Set :Set can change the type of letters and numbers that Logo uses by setting the "font" menu. You can also set colors.
Zoom: You can zoom in on your pictures to make them bigger. Or you can Zoom out to make them smaller
MSW Logo window is divided into two main parts :
- The Main screen or Graphic screen
- The Commander window
The upper portion of LOGO with white blank area with a triangle in screen of Logo. It show the result of the command.
It is also called Graphic Screen.
The main screen displays the results of work done in Logo.
Instructions given in Logo language are known as commands.
The figure create the logo commands are displayed in this area.
The Commander window
This is the place from where you give the commands and control the processing. It is divided into three parts:
- Command Input box
- Recall List box
- Control/Command buttons
It is the area where you type Logo commands and execute pressing the ENTER key or by clicking the Execute button.
Recall List box
It records and maintains all commands that you type in the input box.
If the list of commands goes out of view, you can click the scroll bar commands
Control/Command buttons
There are eight control buttons, which are meant for part actions. These are :
- Halt
- Trace
- Pause
- Status
- Step
- reset
- Execute
- Edall
Halt : It immediately stops the Logo processing.
Trace : It turns on tracing for debugging your programs and removes errors. Click the button again disables tracing.
Pause : It stops the execution of commands temporarily
Status : It displays a status window showing current settings in Logo.
Step: It on step-wise method for debugging your program. Every line will be run only after you check it and click OK.
Reset: It clears the Logo main screen/output screen.
Execute: It executes or runs the commands given in the Input Box
Edall :It is used for advance purposes.
A Small triangle symbol at the centre of the main screen is called a turtle.
The top pointed end of the turtle is called its head
The wide base at the bottom is called its tail.
Turtle moves on the screen according to the commands or instructions given through the Input box.
Turtle Home
When you start Logo, the turtle is present at the centre of the screen. This is called the Home of the turtle.
This turtle moves on the screen by following the commands.
It is a set of orders or commands given to the LOGO turtle.
Turtle understands these commands and executes them accordingly.
In Logo, the turtle moves or acts according to your commands.
The commands given to the turtle are known as primitives.
Commands are typed in the command input box.
These commands are executed by clicking the Execute button or by pressing the enter key.
Moving the Turtle
The turtle can move anywhere in the main screen area.
A turtle draws a line when it moves in any direction.
This line is called trail. The turtle can move forward and backward.
Exit from Logo
After finishing the work in Logo, you must exit Logo.
There are two method to exit from logo :
Type Bye command in the Input box and press Enter key or Execute button.
Click on File menu
Click on Exit option
Logo Primitive
The simple Logo drawing commands move the turtle forward and backward and turn it right or left.
FD: Forward
BK: Backward
LT: Left
RT: Right
CS: Clear Screen
Forward Command (FD)
Forward Command is used to move the Turtle in forward direction.
The short form for forward command is FD.
When the turtle moves, it leaves a trail (Footstep) behind it.
To use this command, type in Input box: <FD><SPACE><NUMBER OF STEPS> <ENTER KEY>
Backward Command (BK)
Backward Command is used to move the Turtle in Backward direction.
The short form for Backward command is BK.
When the turtle moves, it leaves a trail (Footstep) behind it.
To use this command, type in Input box: <BK><SPACE><NUMBER OF STEPS> <ENTER KEY>
Right Command (RT)
Right Command is used to turn the turtle towards right direction (clockwise).
These form for right command is RT.
We will also have to give the angle by which the turtle should turn.
Left Command (LT)
Left Command is used to turn the turtle towards Left direction (anticlockwise).
These form for Left command is LT.
We will also have to give the angle by which the turtle should turn.
Home Command
Home Command brings the turtle back from anywhere on the screen to its starting position.
This command is not followed by any number.
Pen up Command
This command orders the turtle to lift up the pen from the screen and move without drawing a line on the screen.
The short form of this command is PU.
Pen down Command
While using PEN UP command.
we have seen that turtle stops drawing on the screen.
Suppose we want to draw again, what will we do?
We can use PEN DOWN or PD command.
This command instructs the turtle to put the pen down on the screen and continue drawing
Clear Screen Command
Clear Screen Command is used to clear or erase the drawing on the screen and bring the turtle to its HOME position.
The short form of clear screen command is CS.
To use this command.
type in Input box:
Create a Triangle Logo Language
FD 50
RT 90
FD 50
Create a Square Logo Language
FD 50
RT 90
FD 50
RT 90
FD 50
Create a Rectangle Logo Language
FD 50
RT 90
FD 100
RT 90
FD 50